Legislative Updates


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CLEAA Update - 2016 Legislative Wrap Up

Please click here to view the legislation list update from CLEAA.

AZPOA is working hard to protect officers in the up coming legislative session.


At AZPOA’s request, CLEAA (AZPOA’s parent group) has hired long-time law enforcement lobbyist Mike Williams to pursue legislation that will extend reverse drop for the Correctional Officer Retirement Plan (CORP). Your AZPOA Board is in constant communication with Mike Williams and is confident in his ability and proven track record to accomplish this important task. 

Another area of legislative concern for our juvenile members was last year's legislative action which altered ARS 8-342. This legislative change effectively limits a juvenile who is dependent (a child who is in the custody of the State), from being committed to the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections, regardless of the felony nature of the offense for which they are adjudicated.  This is considered bad public policy regarding public safety. AZPOA is proposing to eliminate using a juvenile's sole dependency status as a factor in commitment criteria. CLEAA lobbyist Jason Winsky will be spearheading this legislative effort.


AZPOA will continue to keep members informed as to the progress of reverse drop. In the coming months there will be opportunities to meet and ask questions directly with Mike Williams. Please be on the look out for those announcements and take the time to be informed. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any our your AZPOA Board members. Contact information can be found by clicking on the Contact tab.


Strength in Numbers


The 2015 Legislative Session was a tough one for the law enforcement community.  Click here to see the End of Session recap from CLEAA Executive Director Lu Ebratt.